
Elevate Your Game Through Position-Specific Training

At Lancaster FC, we believe that focused repetition of the fundamentals is key to mastering any position on the field. Whether you’re part of our club or joining us from elsewhere, our supplemental clinics are designed to provide high-intensity, position-specific sessions that help you develop sharper instincts, better technique, and the confidence to excel in every match.

From strikers who need to take hundreds of shots, to defenders who thrive on constant one-on-one duels, to midfielders controlling the rhythm of play, our clinics emphasize first principles so you can experience tangible growth week after week.

Clinic Format

  1. Position-Specific Focus: Drills and exercises crafted to hone the unique skillsets required for strikers, midfielders, defenders, or goalkeepers.

  2. 60-Minute Sessions: High-intensity training that maximizes reps and game-like scenarios.

  3. Repetitive Workouts: The more situations you encounter, the faster you grow—our clinics ensure you get the volume of practice you need to truly advance.

Clinic pricing

  1. Per Clinic: $50 per session

  2. Monthly Clinic Membership: $200 (provides two clinics per week. Minimum six month commitment)

register for position specific training.

Ready to Become a Specialist?

Sign up for the clinic that suits your needs and start experiencing the benefits of targeted, high-repetition training. Whether you’re striving for peak performance or looking to polish specific aspects of your game, our clinics are the perfect way to take your skills to the next level.